Picture 009.jpg John and Tina Prideaux, Joe Betters
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 Picture 011.jpg Artifacts Table
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 Picture 012.jpg Artifacts Table
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 Picture 013.jpg Joe Betters, George Blust, John Prideaux, Pat Pousson, Bill Kasikas
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 Picture 014.jpg Curt Willet, "Our mighty, new leader. Long live the prez!"
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 Picture 015.jpg French, Blust, Baumgartner
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 Picture 016.jpg Back Of Wakefield, John Blake, Bill Kasikas
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 Picture 017.jpg Artifacts Table
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 Picture 019.jpg Group in hospitality room
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 Picture 020.jpg Prideaux, Blake, Bill and A.J. French, Duane Baumgartner at computer table
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 Picture 021.jpg USS Stewart DE238
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 Picture 022.jpg Joe Betters
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 Picture 023.jpg USS Cavalla SS 244
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 Picture 024.jpg USS Stewart DE238
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 Picture 025.jpg USS Cavalla SS 244
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 Picture 026.jpg Memorial Plaque to the 52 Subs lost in WWII
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 Picture 027.jpg Bruce and one of USS Stewart DE238 screws
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 Picture 028.jpg Bruce and Joe
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 Picture 029.jpg Bruce and Joe
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 Picture 030.jpg Wakefield, Blake, Swanson, Betters
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 Picture 031.jpg Ernie Travers, Bob Howey, Mandell Wakefield, John Blake, Bruce Swanson, Joe Betters
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 Picture 033.jpg Tina Prideaux, Betty [Mary's sister], Mary Blake, Diana Howey with John Blake
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 Picture 034.jpg US Coast Guard Color Guard Detail
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 Picture 035.jpg Group, at Saturday, Nov. 1, 2003, 60th Anniversary Memorial Service
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 Picture 036.jpg Group, at Saturday, Nov. 1, 2003, 60th Anniversary Memorial Service
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 Picture 037.jpg Group at Saturday, Nov. 1, 2003, 60th Anniversary Memorial Service
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 Picture 038.jpg Vance Crew at Saturday, Nov. 1, 2003, 60th Anniversary Memorial Service
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 Picture 039.jpg USS Cavalla SS 244
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 Picture 040.jpg Group at dinner aboard USS Stewart DE238
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 Picture 041.jpg Group at dinner aboard USS Stewart DE238
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 Picture 043.jpg Group at banquet at Gaido's Seafood
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 Picture 049.jpg This is our humble abode with new work shop/garage under construction. I hope I can get it done before I turn 80.
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 Picture 054.jpg Sunday Morning Group, getting ready to leave
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