Operation DeepFreeze 1962 Cruise Book

Operation DeepFreeze 1962 Cruise Book.
Donated by Bob Heselberg
in memory of his brother, Richard.

Pictures and text are close to the same order as the book.
Pages are a mixture of graphics and text from the book.

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Picture df176
P.F. Wettstein, YN3
Bridge top
oc28huey.jpg P.F. Wettstein, YN3

Picture df177
H.F. Siedel, YNSN
Bridge top
oc29herb.jpg H.F. Siedel, YNSN

Picture df178
Try washing your ears once a week
Bridge top
oc30ears.jpg Try washing your ears once a week

Picture df179
Yep, they gotta come out!!
Bridge top
oc31out.jpg Yep, they gotta come out!!

Picture df180
A Cartoon
Man I'm Sick! Sick! Sick! Sick!
Bridge top
oc32toon.jpg A Cartoon

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