The information on this page is from
men who served on Vance,
and Coast Guard records of VANCE WDE-487 1952 - 1954.
If you can help us with this information, please contact
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18 August, 1952 A4
from: LCDR James C. Waters (2624) USCG VANCE (WDE-487)
To: Commandant (OFU)
Subj: Relieving of command, VANCE (WDE-487)
Ref: (a) CG Regs. 7-1-25 Am 9
(b) HD 122909 (8-52)
(c) P&SI, Art 481 (e) (7), Am 146
1. As provided for in reference (a), I hereby report being relieved pursuant to orders detaching me contained in reference (b) of command of the VANCE (WDE-487). In view of the fact that no relief has reported on board, the next senior officer, Lieutenant Norman L. Scherer, is the relieving officer...
This source and many more CG records will be posted as soon as I have the time. All the WDE entries are from CG Historian's Office.
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5/9/52 Vessel Movement Record for Vance WDE-387
Commissioned at 1500-R 9 May, 1952, Lcdr. James C. Waters, commanding,
at the U.S. Naval Station, Green Cove Springs, Fla.
Source: Treasury Department U. S. Coast Guard CGHQ-10025A (Rev. 11-51)
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From: jgissner
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 3:10 PM
To: GBlust@msn.com
Subject: Vance
I served aboard the Vance from Oct. 1952 until early 1954. We finished re-fitting at the Baltimore naval ship yard in Nov. 1952 and left for the Pacific. At that time the Capt. was Commander G.T. Applegate. I am sorry that I do not have any pictures.
Jack Gissiner
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Source Chet White
From a Change of Command Program recieved from Chet White with the date listed as 7 August 1963, not 9/63 as before
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