Entry 168
Date: Thursday, March 1, 2001 Time: 2:54 PM EST
Email= rkchurch@bresnan.net
New 08/26/2008
Name= Raymond Church STG3
Served= 1965-1967 Under Captains Wright, Arnheiter, and Swan?
Ship / Unit= USS Vance DER 387
Age= 54
City= Montrose
State= Colorado
Zip= 81401
Country= United States
Phone= 970-249-6342
A URL to share= No
How did you find this site?= From a Search Engine
Reasons for reading about the Vance= Served aboard
Comments= What a great idea and what a great job!
I saw Jim Herman STG3 (He became a police officer in Fla. and was wounded.) and Larry Laughead FTG3 a few times after I got out.
. sign the log