Entry 191
Date: Saturday, May 12, 2001 Time: 8:08 AM EST
Name= Karl C Shumaker
Served= Aug 59-Jul77
Ship / Unit= Ingersoll (DD-652)
Age= 60
City= Toone
State= Tennessee
Zip= 38381
Country= United States
Phone= 901-658-4205
A URL to share= No
How did you find this site?= From a Search Engine
Reasons for reading about the Vance= To find shipmates, Other
Comments= I hope this will not spoil a great website, but I was crew in INGERSOLL (DD-652) when Arnheiter was XO. I would like to hear some testimony from VANCE people about him. And your experiences which have to top anything in the book which I did read several years ago. I just have never figured out how a screwball like Arnie gets to retire and a Mustang like me doesn't. Go figure. Appreciate any time any of you can spare. Not a project, I'm just curious. Just so you know, about three men in INGERSOLL tried to kill him long before anyone got the idea to curse VANCE with his presence.
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