Comment: My brother-in-law, George A. Gould, was on the USS Vance DER 387 in 1965 and 1966 (at least). He was from the San Francisco Bay Area. While he was on the ship he visited Hawaii, Bangkok, and Hong Kong (at least). He had a friend named Bob on the ship. Does anyone remember George, or have photos or stories about him? George died in 1985 of lymphoma cancer (he was 39). He married my sister, Barbara Bohanan, in 1967 and they had two children. Barbara died this past April at age 57. Her two children were in their early teens when George died and would love to hear anything about their dad. Thanks for your time. Carole Self Daytime Phone (West Coast): 650-348-7600 Evening Phone (West Coast): 650-997-0970 Email: A note: lymphoma cancer can be cause by exposure to chemical agents. George would have been 58 at the time of this log entry. There are a number of 65-69 DER crew that have passed away or have serious medical conditions. |