Entry 555
Date/Time: 2006-03-29 18:57:26 PST
Name: Johnson, Charles W. Jr. SK3
Served From: Feb.67 thru Dec. 68
Ship/Unit: USS Aludra AF 55
Age: 60
City: Greenwood
State: Indiana
Postal Code: 46143
Country: United States
Phone: 317- 888 - 5641
A URL to share= NO
How did you find this site.: Followed link from another page
Reason for reading about the Vance = To find shipmates, Other
Comment: HI, I would like for someone to send me all the info
reguarding the crew reunion for the Aludra AF 55
Chuck Johnson
175 Wind Chime Cirle
E Greenwood
In, 46143
asap so I can get started making reservations.
Chuck Johnson