Picture df136
Earle Stephen Holston, GM3, Dallas, Texas
Is shown here steering the ship. "Tex" has lately been promoted to 3rd class Petty Officer through his hard work and studying. Before "Tex" came into the service he was a painter and a student. When he leaves the service "Tex" would like to study and become a police detective. "Tex," the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Holston, has been in the service 27 months and has been on the Vance for 24 months.
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Picture df137
William H. Gilbert, FTM3, Sedora, Arizona
Is shown here manning Director 32. Bill has attended class "A" Fire Control Technician School and a class "C" School in his two years of naval service. At present he is the leading Fire Control Technician aboard the Vance and is helping the Sonarmen by standing sonar watches.
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Picture df138
Edward F. Scullion, GM2
Is shown here checking small arms "Sarge,"in his 14 years of service, served 8 years in the US Army. In his career "Sarge" has been stationed at 11 bases and aboard 4 ships, amont which are Japan, Korea, America, Germany, U.S.S. Glennon, U.S.S. Peterson and U.S.S. Wilhoite. he saw 13 months of action in Korea with the 25th Division of the 35th Inv. Reg. He now holds 8 decorations. This is "Sarge's" third consecutive Deep-freeze cruise.
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Picture df139
Lanny R. Gilbert, FTMSN, Seattle, Washington
Is shown here holding C.M. on F.T. Radar. "Gill' has been in the Navy two years and on the Vance nine months. He has been promoted to seaman as the result of the last seaman test. The U.S. Naval Training Center, San Diego., California, is where Gill has received his naval training as a Fire Control Technician. When Gill leaves the service he plans to get together his own combo and play the drums.
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Picture df140
Arthur W. Charrett, SOG3, Los Angeles, California
Is shown here holding P.M. on a radar repeater. "Kirby" entered the Navy on November 6, 1958, and is at present studying icebergs, water phenomena and unusual marine life while down here on Operation Deep-freeze. He has been stationed at Fleet ASW School and Min Ron 7, Longbeach, California, in his 44 months of Naval service. Kirby would like to go into business for himself when he leaves the service.
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