Operation DeepFreeze 1962 Cruise Book

Operation DeepFreeze 1962 Cruise Book.
Donated by Bob Heselberg
in memory of his brother, Richard.

Pictures and text are close to the same order as the book.
Pages are a mixture of graphics and text from the book.

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Picture df181
R Divison -- Damage Controlman (DC), Shipfitter (SF),
Machinery Repairman (MR), Electrician's Mate (EM), Engineman (EN)
I.C. Electrician's (IC)

DC -- Serve as technical assistants, instructors, and inspectors for fire prevention,
fire fighting, damage control, and atomic, biological, and chemical warfare;
perform carpentry duties.
SF -- Used hand and machine tools for steel metal work. Bend, repair and fit pipes.
MR -- Perform duties of shop machinists, using precision machine and hand tools. EM -- Maintain and repair power and lighting circuits, distribution switchboards,
generators, and motors.
EN -- Operate, maintain,. and repair internal combustion engines and auxiliaries.
IC -- Maintain and repair shipboard interior communications systems.
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rdivlogo.jpg R Divison Cartoon

Picture df182
Division Head C.T. Laipply, LTJG, U.S.N.
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rdivhead.jpg C.T. Laipply, LTJG, U.S.N.

Picture df183
Division P.O. Jackson, D.C.1
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rdivjson.jpg Jackson, D.C.1

Picture df184
Ship Fitters (SF)
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rdivtoon.jpg Ship Fitter cartoon

Picture df185
Bobby Williams, SFP2
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rdiv02bw.jpg Bobby Williams, SFP2

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