Picture df146
James F. Duggerd, Seaman, Pulaski, Tenn.
Is shown here cleaning a rifle. "Dug" is now stiking for gunners's mate. His present duties consist of helping to maintain our 3in 50-cal. guns and ammunition. Dug hopes to become a 3rd-class Petty Officer with a little more studying. Out of his 18 months in the Navy he he has been stationed on the Vance for 12 months.
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Picture df147
Michael Craig Cappon, SOG2, Rochester, New York
is shown working on the sonar amplifier. Mike's job on the Vance is maintaining and operating the underwater sound equipment. Mike, a graduate of Aquires Institute of Rochester, New York, Fleet Sonar School, Key West, Florida, Fleet Anti-Submarine School, San Diego, California, and Leadership School, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, hopes to go to college when he leaves the service. He has one good conduct medal and one Operation Deep-freeze medal.
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Picture df148
Duties of Fox Division
Fox Division, although the smallest division aboard the Vance, has many varied and important duties. These include maintenance and operation of all the ordnance equipment, all ASW (anti-submarine warfare) gear, and all fire control systems.
The division is composed of four rates: Gunner's Mate (GM), Sonarmen (SO), Torpedomen (TM) and Fire Control Technicians (FT).
The Gunner's Mates are in charge of two rapid fire 3/50 mounts, each of which is capable of delivering a heavy and continuous fire. They are also responsible for all the small arms carried aboard ship.
The Sonarmen are responsible for all ASW equipment, the ASW fire control system, all Oceanographic and Hydrographic information, and the Hedgehog mount, which is capable or firing ahead thrown weapons during anti-submarine warfare at a rapid and accurate rate.
The Torpedomen are in charge of the port and starboard torpedo launchers which fire homing torpedoes, an anti-submarine warfare weapon, and the depth charge racks which release hydrostatic percussion type depth charges.
The Fire Control Technicians are responsible for all fire control systems dealing with the 3/50's and also are in charge of all power drives to the mounts. Thus, Fox Division makes and keeps the U.S.S. Vance a fighting ship.
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Picture df149
OC Division, Radionman (RM), Yeoman (YN), Personnelman (PN), Postal Clerk (PC), Signalman (SM), Quartermaster (QM), Hospital Corpsman (HM)
QM -- Perform ship-control, navigation, and bridge-watch duties; correct charts and
maintain navigation aids; maintain visual communications; stand lookout watch;
act as helmsman and lookout supervisors.
SM -- Send and receive visual messages; prepare headings for outgoing messages;
handle, route, and file messages; operate voice radio; maintain visual signnal gear;
render passing honors to ships and boats; display ensigns and personal flags
during salutes and other honors.
HM -- Perform numerous types of medical and clerical duties in the Hospital Corps;
may be technicians in specialized fields; may serve in small ships,
treating all illnesses and injuries.
RM -- Transmit, receive, log, route, file and maintain security of messages in
accordance with existing instructions; advise on capabilities, limitations and
condition of assigned gear; operate typewriter and teletypewriter equipment;
tune radio transmitters and receivers; operate and perform preventive
maintenance and repair on radio equipment.
YN -- Perform clerical and secretarial duties, including stenography, filing and
typing; keep records; prepare reports, and handle correspondence;
act as office managers.
PN -- Test, classify, counsel, and recommend assignment of enlisted personnel;
analyze, evaluate, and classify billets; maintain service records, and prepare
personnel data reports; act as assistants to executive, personnel,
classification, and training.
PC -- Operate Navy post offices, perform postal counter work, process mail and
maintain postal equipment, prepare correspondence, establish and disestablish
Navy post offices.
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Picture df150
This isn't all I do, I sleep sometimes
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