Picture df326
Ricardo L. Zaide, DK2
Stations: U.S.S. Shannon (DM25), U.S.S. Gainard (DD 447), U.S. Navy Support Acty, Naples, Italy, U.S. Navy Ordnance Missile Test Facility, White Sands, New Mexico. Plans to be a book-keeper or cashier when he gets out.
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Picture df327
Stewardsman (SD)
SD -- Serve as cooks or bakers for officers' mess; supervise servicing of officers' quarters and serving of meals in wardroom.
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Picture df328
Authur T. Singleton
Born McClelanville, S.C. Enlisted in the Navy 1940. Stations: U.S.S. Reina Mercedes, U.S.S. Cabot (CVL 28), U.S.S. Allogosh (AO 97), U.S.N.S. Jay Fla, U.S.S. John R. Caig (DD 885), U.S.S. Baltimore (CA 68), U.S.S. Rhodes (DER 384), U.S.N.S. Newport, R.I., U.S.S.Vance (DER 387). Retirement unknown.
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Picture df329
Raymundo C. Jose
Graduated Cavite High School. Enlisted July 16, 1959. Stations: U.S.S. Vance (DER 387). Career man.
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Picture df330
Abelardo C. Atilano
Graduate Zamboanga City high School, 1949, 1950. Enlisted Navy, Feb. 21, 1955. Stations: U.S.S. Kersarge (CVS 33), U.S.S. Vance (DER 387). Service time: 7 Yrs 2mon. Career man.
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