Picture df141
Garen L. Jiracek, TMSN, Hood River, Oregon
Is shown here mess-cooking. "Jerry" is in charge of the torpedoes and depth charges on the Vance Jerry has been Stationed aboard the U.S.S. Dennis J. Bucky, DDR 808, out of Longbeach, California. Of his three years of service, two of them have been spent aboard the U.S.S. Vance. Jerry would like to be a broadcasting engineer when he leaves the service.
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Picture df142
Warren I. Riedberger, SO1, Honolulu, Hawaii
is shown here taking a coffee break. Formerly from Minnesota, Warren joined the Navy in September, 1949. In his 11 years of service he has been stationed aboard five ships and one shore duty station. Warren is married to Ann DeBauche, formerly of Green Bay, Wisconsin, and has three children, Laura, Mike, and Randy. Warren, a graduate of Hauley High School, Hauley, Minnesota, class "A" Sonar School and class "A" Personalman School, is now in overall charge of the Vance's Anti Submarine Warfare weapons, equipment and personnel. He is also a four-letter man in basketball and has played professional ball against the Harlem Globetrotters and the House of David, to mention a few.
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Picture df143
Terry W. Richard, SOGSN, Fresno, California
Is shown here making a B/T drop. "Rich" is Sonarman striker on the Vance. He is now learning the sonar equipment on board and is studying in hopes of being advanced to 3rd-class Sonarman when the next tests will be given. Rich, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Richard, is a
graduate of the Fleet Anti-Submarine School in San Diego, California. Before he entered the sevice, Rich was employed by the ABC Body and Fender Shop, of Fresno, California, and when he leaves the service he hopes to go to college and become an architectural draughtsman.
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Picture df144
Bernard Raymond Hoskins, GM1, Honolulu, Hawaii
Is shown here taking a five-minute break. "Gunner" is the leading Gunner's Mate and the leading Fox Division Petty Officer on the Vance. Gunner, a veteran of 21 years, has been on board the Vance for 23 months. He has six men working directly for him and is in overall charge of all the ordnance gear aboard which includes two 3in 50-cal. guns, four torpedoes and several depth charges and their launching equipment, numerous small arms and all the ammunition on board. As leading Petty Officer he is responsible directly to the Fox Division Officer for the smooth running of Fox Division. Gunner has a new responsibility, which is seeing that the Navy's new physical fitness program is carried out in the division. All important matters concerning Fox Division go through him on their way up the chain of command. The U.S. Navy will be losing a fine sailor and a good shipmate in the near future as the Gunner will be retiring after 22 years of LOYAL service to his country.
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Picture df145
Patrick Donald Welch, GM2, Council Bluffs, Iowa
Is shown here making the most out of holiday routine. Pat is in charge of our forward 3in 50-cal. gunmount. It is his responsibility to see that mount 31 is in top operating condition at all times. Pat is also Fox Division Damage Control Petty Officer. In his 14 years of service Pat has been stationed aboard three ships and two shore duty stations, including Boston, Mass., Treasure Island, San Francisco, California. When he retires after 20 years in the Navy Pat hopes to purchase and manage a tavern or a chicken farm.
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